In this note we present explicit and elementary formulas for the correspondence between the group of special Lorentz transformation SO^+(3,1), on the one hand, ...
In this note we present explicit and elementary formulas for the correspondence between the group of special Lorentz transformation SO+(3, 1), on the one hand, ...
The special linear group SL(2, C) is a double covering of the restricted Lorentz group. · The symplectic group Sp(2, C) is isomorphic to SL(2, C); it is used to ...
(a) Show that the Lie algebra so(3,C) is isomorphic to sl(2,C). (b) Construct a Lie group homomorphism SL(2,C) → SO(3,C) which realizes the iso- morphism ...
1.1 Introduction. The spin homomorphism. SL2(C) → SO1,3(R) is a homomorphism of classical matrix Lie groups. The lefthand group con- sists of 2 × 2 complex ...
sl(2,C) can be viewed as either a real 6-dimensional Lie algebra or a complex 3-dimensional. Lie algebra. However, that's not the whole story. As a complex ...